Water is the most precious resource for all living creatures on earth. We need to realise its value as it is readily available, but for how long?
In this article, we will share some of the most exciting facts that will make you realise the value of water without running out of it.
So, let’s just jump into the watery facts without wasting any time:
- Around 68.7% of the Earth’s freshwater is held in glaciers, with another 30% stored underground.
- Approximately 1.7% of the world’s water is frozen and, therefore, not readily usable.
- Almost 22% of the power generation in India is dependent directly on water resources.
- The domestic water consumption under normal conditions in an Indian city is 135 litres per head per day.
- Only 2 % of tap water in India is fit for consumption.
- About 30% of tap water in India is wasted.
- Water has a unique ability to dissolve more substances than any other liquid, including sulfuric acid.
- The freezing point of water decreases as the amount of dissolved salt increases. Seawater, with typical salt levels, freezes at around -2 °C (28.4 °F).
- Cultivating one day’s food for a family of four requires about 6,800 gallons of water.
- Brewing one pint of beer consumes approximately 20 gallons of water.

- Approximately 780 million people worldwide lack access to a reliable source of clean water.
- Women in some regions spend 200 million work hours collecting water for their families daily.
- Just a third of the money spent globally on bottled water annually could fund projects to provide clean water to everyone in need.
- Unsafe water causes the deaths of 200 children per hour.
- The weight of one gallon of water is roughly 8 pounds.
- The production of a single egg requires 120 gallons of water.
- Both jellyfish and cucumbers consist of 95% water.
- About 70% of the human brain’s composition is water.
- Water-related issues contribute to around 80% of illnesses in developing countries.
- In cities of the developing world, up to 50% of water is lost due to leaks in the infrastructure.
- In Nairobi, urban residents pay about ten times more for water than New York residents.
- In some countries, less than half of the population has access to clean water.
- The estimated annual economic loss from inadequate water and sanitation in developing countries is approximately $260 billion.
- Collectively, people in Africa spend 40 billion hours fetching water each year.
- The average cost of water supplied to a U.S. home is approximately $2.00 per 1,000 gallons, equivalent to 5 gallons for a penny.
- While a person can survive for about a month without food, they can only last about a week without water.
- The United States consumes roughly 400 billion gallons of water each day.
- Water expands by 9% when it freezes.
- There’s roughly the same amount of water on Earth now as millions of years ago.
- To contain the Earth’s estimated total volume of water, you would need a cube with a side length of 1150 kilometres.
- Indians drink about 3 billion litres of water daily.
- The United States extracts more than 40 billion gallons of water from the Great Lakes daily, with half of it used for electricity generation.
- For manufacturing 1 gallon of wine, approximately 1008 gallons of water is required.
- For manufacturing 1 sheet of paper, 2.6 gallons of water is required.
- Approximately 85% of the global population resides in the planet’s driest regions.
- Agriculture accounts for nearly 70% of worldwide freshwater withdrawals, rising to 90% in fast-growing economies.
- Current estimates suggest that sustaining the lifestyle of the average European or North American would require about 3.5 Earths.
- Nine states in India have critically low groundwater levels.
- Manufacturing 1 ton of steel requires 300 tons of water.
- Indian households waste nearly 3.4 trillion litres of water annually.
- India uses 10 litres cistern for full flush and 6 litres for low flush options. This is more than most developed nations.
- Refilling a half-litre water bottle with tap water 1,740 times costs roughly the same as buying a 99-cent water bottle from a convenience store.
- It takes about 12 gallons of water daily to sustain a human being, accounting for all water uses like drinking, sanitation, and food production.
- When we exhale, we lose more than a cup of water (237 ml) daily.
- By 2025, water withdrawals will increase by 50% in developing countries and 18% in developed countries.
- By 2025, half the world’s population will live in countries facing high water stress.
- Water-efficient dishwashers use as little as 4 gallons per cycle while handwashing dishes require 20 gallons.
- An average family of four consumes 180 gallons of water daily for outdoor use, with over 50% wasted through evaporation, wind, or overwatering.
- Producing coffee requires more than twice the amount of water compared to tea.
- Chicken and goat are among the least water-intensive meats to produce.
- There have been 265 documented water conflicts from 3000 BC to 2012.
- Under specific conditions, hot water can freeze faster than cold water, known as the Mpemba effect.
- If all of the Earth’s water were collected in a 4-litre jug, the portion available as fresh water for us would be approximately equivalent to just one tablespoon.
- Antarctica contains over 90% of the Earth’s freshwater supply.
- Water plays a crucial role in regulating the Earth’s temperature.
- On average, 10 gallons of water daily, or 14% of indoor water use, is lost due to leaks.
- It takes approximately 70 gallons of water to fill a bathtub.
- Flying round-trip from Los Angeles to San Francisco, covering about 700 miles, could consume more than 9,000 gallons of water.
- Water consumption has increased more than twice the population growth rate in the past century.
- A mere 0.007% of the planet’s water is accessible for providing sustenance and resources to its 6.8 billion inhabitants.
- A typical swimming pool naturally loses about 1,000 gallons of water per month through evaporation.
- The production of 1 gallon of corn ethanol requires 170 gallons of water, whereas regular gasoline needs only 5 gallons.
- India uses approximately 80% of its total water resources for agriculture. This includes 89% of surface water and 92% of groundwater.
- In China, 65% of freshwater withdrawals are directed towards agriculture.
- In several countries, over 90% of freshwater withdrawals are attributed to agriculture.
- If every American flushed the toilet one less time per day, it could save enough water to fill a lake one mile long, one mile wide, and four feet deep.
- Reducing daily shower water usage by just one gallon per person in the U.S. could conserve approximately 85 billion gallons of water annually.
- Preparing a Thanksgiving dinner for eight people requires over 42,000 gallons of water.
- An acre of corn loses 4,000 gallons of water daily through evaporation.
- Over a 100-year span, a water molecule spends most of its time in the ocean, followed by a period of ice.
These were some interesting water facts for kids and adults that we seldom think about. It is time we start educating ourselves and our kids about water conservation. Otherwise, the chances of water abundance in the future will take a considerable dip.